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Monday, July 5, 2010 ♥

today meeting gladys to watch eclipse at first i was late but i reach there early anyway...waited for kim for so long and got one stupid ramdom guy drop his whole cup of coke and spillled on me wth lol
later kim reach and we go into the theater
omgg there is already kissing part in the first part of the movie and more and more lol gladys is cannot control lor haha and when taylor appear everyone in the theater sreamed like shit la haha
omg omg taylor kiss kristine steward !!!~ and near the end i was like OMG OMG I WANNA TO GO TO TOLIET THAN EVERYON E IS LIKE LOOKING AT ME LOL PSPS LOL

Monday, June 14, 2010 ♥

so so funny

Sunday, June 13, 2010 ♥

i omg i cried after this music video pls pls watch the video and see the subs and give so comment ok!!^^~

the story is :
G-dragon: the guy in cap
T.O.P:the guy in the car at first

The story is that she is in love with G-dragon and G-dragon is in love with her...but she is dying of cancer...so she tells T.O.P to pretend to be her new lover..so that G-Dragon would forget about her and move on...all the others know she is dying except for G-Dragon,...G-Dragon is fighting with T.O.P in the beginning because he things T.O.P stole her from him.... in the end G-Dragon finds out she is still in love with him and she is dying and that her and T.O.P were never going out and never in love..but then she dies in the end

Saturday, June 12, 2010 ♥

i totally missed shinee lol because the have to prepare ofor their next album the cannot continue to shoot SHINee hello baby lol i totally missed that show lol

btw wish them all the best for their next album preparation!!=]=]=]=]=]=]

yesterday went back home later and fireworks is nice over there everyone was so worn out after the training other then the guys
later during our break i took so many packet of milo because it is so nice!!heehee
we watch the other performance and it was so damn funny lol but later i thought that that was a very special because everyone in a different age group doing the performance

yesteday our first run was so suckish lol some of them stand up later and forgot the step of changing the shirt and later on our way back GLADYS did some funny things just beside mr dick lee hahaa...yesterday we only have a run because it was raining lol sat there until 4pm++
and also kana scolding by ms shermine,first time see her so angry...

later have our dinner gladys ate TWO packs of food and 3 packets of chili in each pizza and i ate 7 chicken given by mr siva and vithiya ....later adrian treat me and cherie drink damn cooling finally ahve sweet drink to drink other then plain water lol

after the scolding we did our second and 3rd round nicely totally loove that feeling lol
and fireworks sound is totally scary !!! haah and the army brother sang 'this is home ' all out of tune haha home~~~ ahah

later we quickly took our things and went back home slept a little in the bus..
later sis come and fetch and she said she wanted to go to mac and my leg damn pain so we took cab home haha

Friday, June 11, 2010 ♥


why did i said that because MY HOLIDAY IS PACKED !!!full of different practices and somemore there is an musical for the school's 45th anniversary lol!!!can't te school jus let us this poor children/teenager to even rest for A MONTH!! totally tourturing because is ndp practice cannot sleep until very long !!!AND EVEN TOOK MY SATURDAYS AWAY!!!i cannot explain in words how much it suck!!~
away after ndp tourturing training i when to coffee shop to eat we gladys and had a cool cool cup of strawberry milkshake yum yum !! went home SLEEP SLEEP AND SLEEP .....=] HAHAㅋㅋㅋ

Thursday, June 10, 2010 ♥

band today was a little tiring and junior naziha didn't hiaz...but some kidda fun because of sectional CRREEAAM ~~~HA!! and yu hui asked us to bring our instruments back but it is really really heavy lol i really don wanna bring back one but i really really scared thati will kana scolding lol !!!hate hate itititit!!!!!!!!

luckily my father said that he would fetch me home and eaT my lunch and after that and fetch my mother after her work ...i went to HDB HUB and guess wat i saw mr lin that taught us literature for a while he went to army and got his hair cut!!

later my father said since we have nothing to do so we went to hougang mall damn fun bought so pants damn nice ...and used popular voucher to buy some assesment book and guide book for science and geo and i saved $15+++ love it haha

hiaz tomorrow still will have ndp training totally tried lol!!!=[

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 ♥

i think this is my first blog since feb lol
i am very very lazy to post :=
we have ndp even during the holidays!! suzlol
and of course band
ndp was so tiring getting darker then before ...pls don make me any more darker pls mr sunny sun =)
working damn hard during the holidays because i wanna improve in my studies haha
I LUV MY IPOD !!wish i could post more post next time !!

Friday, February 5, 2010 ♥

HA HA i think i never blog since 3week ago haha very busy and tried school days ...
haha today councillor duty ,do the stairs at the back 'ALONE' i was damn bored i wanna do the entrance 'but' amily says alot ppl doing so i have to do that so called'rural' place...

today CT =COMMON TEST for history and geography
geography was so easy i done it in a line 15 mins but history some i donno how to do lol teacher never give use improtant point to study ...

hiaz ...EL lesson mrs vj anyhow scold me lol is azalea ask me to lent her my glasses and she just scold me for no reason lol irritated lol some say say something and i am so damn freaking piss!!!
later band our tutor came to teach us. but we wait quite long for the the other section did funny thing
...so tried...

Saturday, January 16, 2010 ♥

TODAY WHEN TO gladys house and play also when to her house with me laptop but the interect conection cannot hiaz..bring for nothing lol
later study for a while when to eat the mochi we bought very nice sia...
later when to play gun with her brother so pain sia the bullet ha ha very fun!!later when home so tried lol

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 ♥

haha today is mr ng our conductor birthday !!=] so here t wish him a very happy birthday!!
today during niche still the same haven assign any instruments yet but i still wish that faziha would come to my section ...
today mr ng asking alot of question during niche lol...very sleep then later adrian say got 1 bug on the floor near me so scary lol....!!!is like a moth lol so i move my chair ...oh ya faziha beat my hand damn pain lol ...la got some australian came to our room that we intro the instrument that we are play of i go to take my instrument because only euphonium mah then when i wanna play right the middle button stuck lol so pai seh

..then later mr ng ask me to take another instrument ...took the key walk walk walk then...! the button can press le
band okok lol we have the yog thing donno whether need to go to the yog thing or the band so later 3 then we run go to band room ... to day played new piece for concert lol so very hard ...scared i cannot play lol=[...playing liao mr ng say the disgusting story about wat torture chamber wan lol but i seen on before on tv lah and wat burn the body make me wanna vomit lol...

Monday, January 11, 2010 ♥

shit i can't belife that momo love -桃花小妹 only have 13 ep omg i watching the last ep now so sad sia!!!wish that so like ko3 guo like that long!!


16 on every O1/O1.
I love SHINee

div class="head2">know me, know you

» The name yvonne chua
» Known as whatever u call me???
» Turning 14 this year
» A student
» Hate irritating people & backstabbers
» Enjoylistening to music ,using computer,talking etc
» I ♥ shinee
» Admire great dancers

love at 1st degree

♥ super junior♥
♥ f(X)
♥ snsd

birthday wishlist

♣ Shinee brand new album "
♣ everlast/converse sneakers
♣ SJ's MBLAQ album"
♣ big bang album
♣iphone 4Gs


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can't stop singing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


wen en

gladys sis~
--» http://farahhannah.livejournal.comhannah
--» www.shalow-360metamorphose.blogspot.comcherie
--» www.earthingfairy.blogspot.comhuishan
--» www.ilovex-icecream.blogspot.commille

Thank You

-abn♥rmalme, Background & Picture
- Please do not remove the credits!